Cool and Connected: Managing Big Feelings in Dogs
Does your dog struggle with big emotions—barking at other dogs, getting overly excited by movement, or reacting to people and animals? In this workshop, we’ll explore practical exercises and strategies to help both you and your dog navigate the challenges of the outside world with more confidence and calm. Using simple yet effective games, your dog will learn to focus on you, their handler, while gradually feeling more at ease with the world around them. This isn’t about teaching heelwork or a “watch me” cue; instead, we’ll go deeper into shifting your dog’s emotional response to their “boogie men” and distractions, helping them build a more positive outlook. Walk away with tools to foster a stronger connection with your dog, making outdoor adventures more enjoyable for both of you! The workshop is based on the Control Unleashed Book protocols, being Martina a Certified Control Unleashed Instructor, one of the few in the United Kingdom