What are my 5 favourite skills to teach my dogs? đžI’ll list them here but I into details in the episode so it’s worth a listen: 1. Recall 2. Focus 3. Lie Down 4. Confidence 5. Sociability
Here are some links as I promised in the episode!
Book a Discovery Call with me, let’s have a free chat about your dog and your training goals:
â https://calendly.com/martina-thatlldoacademy/discovery-callsâ
Get in touch:
â â â https://thatlldoacademy.com/contact/â â â
â â â Join the Collie Club, my Online Academy for Border Collie Owners!â â â
â â â https://thatlldoacademy.com/online-academy/â â â
To follow me on social media:
Facebook : â â â https://www.facebook.com/ThatllDoAcademy/â â â
Instagram : â â â https://www.instagram.com/bordercollie_geek/â
TikTok: â â â https://www.tiktok.com/@thebordercolliegeekâ
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